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Oprema za reševalce, EKG defibrilatorji, medicinski pripomočki. Gasilske in druge reševalne službe. Rean torbe, nahrbtniki, torbe za kisik in ampulariji. Monitorji za spremljanje vitalnih funkcij. Manjši medicinski aparati in inštrumentarij. Oskrba poškodb pneumotoraksa in amputacij. Obvezilni material in splošni potrošni materiali. Rean torbe, nahrbtniki, torbe za kisik in ampulariji. Monitorji za spremljanje vitalnih funkcij.
Quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010. Sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010. Desfibrilhador Automático Externo ZOLL AED Plus. 5 anos de garantia;. 5 anos de validade dos eléctrodos CPR-D;. 5 anos de validade das baterias.
First Care Products saves time, saves money and, most importantly, saves lives. Our innovative, easy-to-use products are designed for pre-hospital emergency medical situations - at work, on the street, in the field and in the home. The Emergency Bandage, our principal product, has become an integral component of emergency hemorrhage control and wound treatment in pre-hospital situations. Its unique design, ease of use and broad range of sizes and styles makes it ideal for treating any bleeding wound.
MACAS E MARQUESAS DE PACIENTE. CAMA DE TERAPIA POR FLUIDIFICAÇÃO. MACAS E MARQUESAS DE PACIENTE. Congressos, reuniões clínicas, workshps. Um novo paradigma na manutenção hospitalar na TecnoHospital.
Design, Manufacturing of Injection Molds and Dies. Assembly Devices,Customized Fixtures and jigs. Contact Us Write a Message. IBEX Technologies team work directly with you,. Your salespeople, your engineers, or whoever might add value to the design process. Design, Manufacturing of Injection Molds and Dies. IBEX Technologies supplies high quality tools,. Close tolerance plastic parts for the automotive, medical device, consumer products and electronics industries.
ENVÍO A PENÍNSULA, CANARIAS Y BALEARES. Vía Aérea, Anestesia y Urgencias Hospitalarias. Tubos de Guedel y Nasofaríngeos. Mascarillas Anestesia, Oxígeno y Reanimación. Tijeras, Fórceps y Esfignomanómetros. 8211; Collarín Plegable Necklite. 8211; Mantas térmicas Blizzard. 8211; Mochila de Salvamento. 8211; Kit Emergencias 4BC.
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Case Studies from LUMC and UMCU. PS-Medtech demonstrated the remote collaboration C-Station in the Huawei exhibition center in Amstelveen.
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